I’m So Glad When Daddy Comes Home!

“I’m so glad when Daddy gets home; glad as I can be. Clap my hands and shout for joy, then climb upon his knee. Put my arms around his neck hug him tight like this. Pat his cheeks, then give him what? A great big kiss.” (Daddy’s Homecoming)

In this song we see a child’s excitement when it comes to his or her father coming home from work. In a Pew Research Study, researchers found that most father’s claim being “daddy” is central to their identity, and a lot of men without children have goals to become a father. With the majority of men wanting to become more and more like father’s and seeing it as importance, it is no surprise that men are taking more responsibility in the home. In the same research it says that fathers are spending on average 8 hours a week on family chores, which is more than three times then it was 50 years ago. That being said it is still said that women are better equipped to be at home with the kids. More and more women are working but it is still more common to see them at home.

The father’s role in the home is still very important. Growing up I was a daddy’s girl. My father worked in Boise, which was about three hours away from my home. His work schedule would be at work for three days and then off four and the next week it would be vice versa. He would stay in Boise while he was working and then come home for his days off. He was very good at being home when he was home. He would help around the house and spend times with my siblings and I. One of my favorite thing my dad did with me was daddy daughter dates.

I was adopted, but to him I came to him the way all of my other siblings came to him. He loved me just the same. Our connection became so close that when times become tough we grew closer. In 2011, my birth grandmother, who I saw as a mother figure, because she raised me in my first years of life, passed away. This destroyed my eleven year old self. My father was there for me every step of the way to really make sure I was okay. Ever since then when the anniversary of this event happens my father takes me to get a milkshake and we would sit outside her house and just talk. These are times that I was able to relive moments of my grandmother with my dad. I’m grateful for those times with my dad.

Father’s play an important role in the family and I have strived to find someone who sees the family as important like I do. My fiancé has told me numerous times that he appreciates my love and devotion to being a mother. In many discussion with him he told me that he aspires to be like his father. He told me that his dad made family a priority over everything, even work. His dad is a professor at Brigham Young University in Idaho, and he told me that if there was a sporting event his dad would come no matter what. A lot of the time that meant that his dad would have to go to bed late grading papers or give up his Saturday towards work, but he always but his family first.

My fiancé, also knows that it is my dream to be a stay at home mother and wants to do everything possible to make that an option. We plan to work together as a team to raise our children. I think it is very important for my future husband to do things with our children, especially where I won’t be involved. I plan on being with my children all day, so if he wants to do something with them I won’t be offended. We know that one of the main reasons we have been sent here on this earth is to take care of our children and we plan on being successful in doing so. I want my children to be able to sing the song from above and really mean it.



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